Westmont in San Francisco Internships

The Westmont in San Francisco Internship engages students in a highly structured internship focused on vocational and professional growth.

How Do I Find an Internship?

At the beginning of the semester, students prepare for their internship search through various training sessions with the COVE staff. These sessions are designed to equip students with job search skills such as resume-writing and interviewing.  Students find this training to be helpful for their internship search as well as professional endeavors after college.  Students also meet with faculty to identify possible internship placements in San Francisco, and may interview with internship sites known and unknown to the program.  Each student is expected to complete three interviews at various placement sites before choosing a placement site.

Westmont in San Francisco has placed students at over 250 internship sites over its 50 year history and has a long-standing history with a variety of private, government, and nonprofit organizations throughout the Bay Area. Students are welcome to pursue internships at new placement sites, with faculty guidance. Internship opportunities are available for students of all majors.

As you begin to consider what type of internship you would like to pursue, know that many of our placement sites can host a wide variety of majors. A few questions to ask yourself are:

  • What type of company/organization do I want to work for?
  • What’s the mission?
  • What type of work do I want to be doing?

The following examples are not exactly tied to majors, but rather, different sectors. If you find a company or organization with a compelling mission, reach out and see what opportunities there are. The internship list is being reviewed and updated. Check back again soon!

Here are some internship sites where Westmont students have excelled

Westmont in San Francisco logo

Have Questions About the Program?

Contact us at wsf@hitchedhike.com